Change privacy settings for video

1. In Media Space, click on the My Media tab.

In Media Space, click on the My Media tab.

2. In the My Media page, click on the thumbnail of your video.

In the My Media page, click on the thumbnail of your video.


4. Click the button next to private if you would like the media to only be available to you (the owner).

Click the button next to private if you would like the media to only be available to you (the owner).
Click the button next to Unlisted if you would like your media to be accessible to anyone with a link to the page.

6. Click the button next to Published if you would like your media to be accessible to all who can see the media where you post it.

Click the button next to Published if you would like your media to be accessible to all who can see the media where you post it.

6.1. Select the boxes next to all the channels you would like your video to be published in.

Select the boxes next to all the channels you would like your video to be published in.

7. Click Save.

Click Save.